agps: connect the dots
exhibition at the Galerie d'architecture Paris
Paris, France
The exhibit includes a selection of projects by agps architecture, a team based in Zurich and Los Angeles. The show explores the conceptions, input, processes, as well as deviations which result in the spaces of built work.
Beginning with a spatial intervention within la galerie d’architecture of a 16 by 2 meter cardboard wall, the rough construction with minimal structural support is a first hint into the logic of our architecture.
Mounted onto the wall are fragments of individual projects within the fields of education, energy, habitation, infrastructure, and landscape - five contexts that appear and reappear over time. Some of the fragments reveal the early conceptions, others describe design processes or requirements, and still others admit to unanticipated consequences of life. Each provides a point of entry, and together they form a network of connections.
Projected onto the gallery walls are the built spaces that are the result of our work. These illustrate in another form the association of ideas in connecting the dots.
This exhibit is a part of a continuing experiment aiming to view architecture from perspectives other than those expected. In dialog with the book Another Take, 17 Short Stories on Architecture, we embrace the hidden, informal, or surprising circumstances that accompany the making and the use of architecture.
project team
agps architecture ltd. / Marc Angélil, Sarah Graham (PV), Manuel Scholl, Lukas Fink